Newbie Caravanners Warned: Take Caution in Western Australia

Western Australia has plenty to offer, especially for those who love to make the most of adventure in the great outdoors. But there are also a few pitfalls inexperienced travellers should be aware of.
When journeying out in the wild west, newbie caravanners can be prone to getting in trouble. WA can be a dangerous place if you don’t know what you’re doing, so it’s important to stay alert and learn to mitigate risks.
What should you be aware of before hitting the road with your off road caravan in Western Australia? Keep these things in mind!
Preparing Your Vehicle
On long, straight roads through rural Western Australia, it’s critical to drive with care. Out here, it’s easy to get distracted, or for your vehicle to fall victim to the searing Aussie heat.
Before setting out on an adventure, make sure your vehicle is up to the task, and that you have all the fuel, oil, and other extras you may need. Check the speed limit and be sure to stick to a safe driving style, even when there’s no one else around on the open road.
Stay Connected in the Bush
Some parts of rural WA are mobile blackspots, where it can be difficult to secure stable mobile phone reception. This makes it hard to stay connected and on the grid.
If you know you’ll be travelling where service could be limited, make sure to communicate your whereabouts to loved ones ahead of time. Bring a map so you don’t have to rely on GPS. Remember, in an emergency, 000 can usually be reached, even if you’re outside of your provider’s jurisdiction.
Intend getting properly off-grid? Always carry a PLB (personal locator beacon) in the event you get into real trouble. Some outback tracks don’t see travellers for weeks at a time, so waiting for a passing vehicle might not be a viable option.
Look Out for Wild Animals
As you travel in Western Australia, you’ll need to keep your eyes peeled for wild animals and know what to do if you have a less than pleasant encounter.
Australia is home to some of the world’s most dangerous creatures. Avoid croc-infested watering holes and be aware of venomous fish when you’re swimming. Keep watch for snakes and spiders and know what to do if you get bitten.
Steer Clear of Fire Risks
The WA heat and extensive bushlands, especially in remote parts of the state, can heighten fire risks, so it’s important to stay vigilant.
Most campsites have strict rules on when and where you can light campfires, and it’s critical that you adhere to these. In a more general sense, be alert to your surroundings, and avoid lighting fires or dropping cigarettes in areas with dense living or dead vegetation.
Choose the Right Van
The right van can make a big difference to your WA adventure, keeping you safe, secure, and comfortable no matter where the road takes you. A quality vehicle will travel safely and in style. You want your off road caravan or off road camper to come with heavy duty, trusted off-road components, plenty of water storage and solar battery capacity and the creature comforts of home, like air conditioning and an ensuite.